What Will Jesus Do? – Pastor Kelechi Obanu – 12/03/2023 FS


Message Text: John1:1-5, John14:6-7
Message Title: What Will Jesus Do?

The entire scripture speaks about Christ. Jesus is the way,the truth and the life. No one gets to the father except through Christ. Christ is the same yesterday,today and forever. Jesus was the way from the foundations of the earth.

Everything about the scripture testifies about Jesus. You can find eternal life except you find Jesus.

God is God and is still God and will always be God.

What will Jesus do versus what will you do. I’m drawing this contrast because most of the times our ways are different from the ways of Christ cause we need give our lives for Him to take control.

One of the most entertaining part of wrestling is that there is always a man that introduces the big man that is coming. John was the one introducing the big man which was Jesus in Matthew3. John baptised them in water but Jesus which was been introduced will baptised them in fire and with the Holy Spirit.

Jesus did what we wouldn’t have done as he first of all submitted himself first to John for baptism. He left and disappeared for forty days to the wilderness after God announced him. In Matthew5, He started teaching which was what they weren’t expecting. He said we should love our enemies and pray for those that persecute you in Matthew5:44. They thought he will deliver the people from Roman oppression.

Jesus riding on a donkey was fulfilling scripture in Zechariah9:9. Hossanna means “Please God save us”. Jesus riding on a donkey signifies peace was coming. Jesus went in to the temple and turned round the tables of the money changers and chase those who were trading in the temple showed a bit of his kingly side.

Jesus spoke to them in parables about the kingdom and even make them feel that the kingdom is not even for them.
Jesus placed back Malchus’ ear back in place after Peter taught it was time for war.
In Matthew27:15-18,there was another Jesus who was called Jesus Barrabas who was leading the people in a riotous way.The people chose for Jesus Barrabas to be released because Jesus dissapointed them and it led to Jesus crucifixion and after that He resurrected.

After Jesus resurrected,they asked Him if it was time to restore to them their freedom and deliver them from their oppression.Jesus actions wasn’t coloured by what he was facing but he was looking at the bigger picture.
Jesus answered the question straightforward in Matthew22:25 He will let love lead in His relationship with God and with men. In love,the law is fulfilled. Jesus didn’t condemn but instead he showed love in all of his encounters with people in the scriptures.


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