Pathways to success: Good success By Pastor Walter Ekelemu



Ministering: Pastor Walter Ekelemu
Topic: Pathways to success: Good success
Text: Joshua 1:1-8 (TPT) & 3 John 1:2 (KJV)

Success is a good thing. Everyone desires to be successful and to be around people who are successful. Nobody wants to be a failure or to associate with failures. People are attracted to success because it is a good thing. The truth is, not everyone will be successful, and God is not to be blamed for it. It is God’s utmost desire for you to be successful (Jeremiah 29:11 TPT; 2 Peter 1:3 NKJV; Psalm 35:27 NKJV).
Whoever you are and whatever you are going through, God wants you to succeed. It is in our success that God is glorified.

In 3 John 1:2 (KJV), John expresses his desire that as your soul prospers, so will every other aspect of your life. In other words, it is God’s design and intent that as you are anointed and born again, everything that concerns you aligns with your spiritual well-being. God’s intention is for us to dominate every area of our lives (Genesis 1:28 KJV). When God blessed man, the blessing was an empowerment to succeed. If He has empowered you to succeed, He expects you to succeed (2 Peter 1:3 & Ephesians 1:3 NKJV). It is abnormal for a child of God not to succeed. God does not take pleasure in your failure. When you succeed, He is glorified!

People have different perceptions of what success is. Success is not about the acquisition of assets, nor is it measured by the position you occupy (Luke 12:15 NKJV). At the heart of success is the fulfillment of purpose. If the purpose or intent for which something is created is not fulfilled, then there is no success in its use. For the body of Christ, success is defined by fulfilling your God-given design.

Success is not about the things you have or do not have. The things you possess or lack cannot stop you from succeeding. Success is about what you do with what you have and what you do about what you do not have. Every place you find yourself is an opportunity for success.

Important Questions You Must Ask Yourself
1. What is my purpose?
A quantum leap must have direction; otherwise, you will leap wrongly. Success is a journey, and it is important to evaluate your life and understand your purpose. When purpose is unknown, abuse becomes inevitable. Knowing your purpose provides a clear pathway to success. If you do not understand your purpose, you will end up in the wrong destination. Fulfilling your purpose is what defines success for you. Success does not happen by chance; it is not a gift of the Holy Spirit. You can be anointed and still not be successful.
2. How do I fulfill my purpose?
Fulfilling your purpose means engaging in activities that bring you closer to it (Ecclesiastes 11:3 NKJV). You must develop a measurable strategy. Prayer is key, but it is not a strategy in itself. Prayer is the place where the Spirit of God reveals the strategy you should follow. It is in the place of prayer that God provides direction to help you reach your destination. Your strategy will determine your daily routine and guide your actions. It is through your daily routine that your strategy comes to fulfillment.
3. What do I require to fulfill my purpose? (Ecclesiastes 9:11 NKJV)
You must develop the skills necessary to execute your strategies and produce results. While wisdom and skill alone do not guarantee success, with prayer, God orchestrates time and opportunity to align in your favor.

To Experience Quantum Leaps:
1. You must learn to let go.
You cannot fulfill your destiny if you do not let go of the past (Isaiah 43:18-19 TPT). You must let go of the past to experience all that God has in store for you.
2. Your mindset must evolve.
You cannot have a failure mindset and expect to achieve good success (Proverbs 23:7 NKJV).
3. Devotion.
It is imperative to develop a personal devotion to God.
4. You must hear God.
You must sharpen your ability to hear God’s voice. Many people do not hear God because they are far from Him. To hear God, you must stay in His presence and develop intimacy with Him.
5. Move.
It is time to take action. If you do not move, you will not possess what God has prepared for you. God grants you the lands you step into (Joshua 1:3 NKJV). The blessing is in the going. You cannot succeed without taking action. Faith is demonstrated through the actions you take. Your actions determine your results.
6. Meditate on God’s Word and declare it.

Address every obstacle you encounter with the Word of God (Joshua 1:8 KJV).
All that God has promised, He will bring to pass. Your duty is to follow the pathways to success.


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Pathways to success: Good success By Pastor Walter Ekelemu
